Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Take a leap or let a leap take you - where did that come from? Could it be my current situation, my sense of being suspended in air, walking through nothingness? In the middle of this leap of mine from South Africa back to the U.S. of A., it suddenly dawns on me that once you activate leaping then the leap takes over. I am mid-air and my scramble is to surrender those small, fear filled notions of what might be.

"I love the recklessness of faith, first you leap and then you grow wings." W.S. Coffin

My task at this moment is not to screw up my courage for action but, rather, to listen intently to the whispers saying, ‘trust,’ to reach out with all my antennae and know that certain, subtle buoyancy that is the support of the invisible realms.

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